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N.1/2017 Figure della Maturità

Critica della maturità. Giorgio Agamben, Aristotele e la nozione di compimento

Luigi Sala

Università Franςois Rebelais, Tours

Published in June, 2017


Critique of maturity. Giorgio Agamben, Aristotle and the notion of fulfillment


The article is divided into three main parts. In the first part, we show the reasons why the concept of maturity is relative and contradictory. In particular, we show that the greek-pagan civilization and industrial civilization does not really realize the person. On the contrary, they make it functional to the system. In the second part, through some concepts of Giorgio. Agamben, we demonstrate that the notion of achievement does not rule out the transformation. On the contrary, this concept reinforces the transformation because it makes the latter stable. Further, we show that the relationship between the act and the power is mutual and interdependent. In the third part, in order to remove the tautological logic of capitalism, we demonstrate the need to conceive a notion of opposition that is essentially affirmative and not negative or exclusionary .


Agamben, maturity, achievement, capitalism, opposition

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