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N.1/2019 L'Italian Thought fra globalizzazione e tradizione
Saggi (Parte II) – Italian Thought e modernità
Un’altra modernità: ripensare il rapporto tra filosofia e politica attraverso il pensiero italiano
Mattia Di Pierro
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Classe di Scienze Umane
Université Diderot-Paris VII, ED 382
Published in June, 2019
Another Modernity: Rethink the Relation Between Philosophy and Politics through the Italian Thought

This essay analyzes different genealogies of the so-called Italian difference, highlighting the role of Niccolò Machiavelli’s thought. Through his work, indeed, different authors, such as Roberto Esposito, Antonio Negri and Remo Bodei, describe a different line of political thought, alternative to the modern Hobbesian one. The aim is to highlight, through the tensions among these different genealogies, the space for a renovated debate on the relation between thought and politics, theory and praxis.
Esposito, Negri, Bodei, Machiavelli, Italian Theory, Modernity.
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