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N.1/2019 L'Italian Thought fra globalizzazione e tradizione

Saggi (Parte I) – Nelle pieghe dell’attualità

Uso e sviluppi di alcuni concetti chiave del pensiero radicale italiano. Differenze, limiti, potenzialità

Elettra Stimilli
Sapienza Università di Roma

Published in June, 2019

Use and Developments of some key Concepts of Italian Radical Thought. Differences, Limits, Potentialities

L'Italian Thought fra globalizzazione e


The aim of this paper is to focus the use and development of some key concepts of the Italian contemporary thought – as, for example, General Intellect, Biopolitics, Political Theology, Economic Theology, Debt – in order to reflect on some critical moments and to identify new possibilities still open for the future. In this regard, in the final part of the text, particular attention is given to Giorgio Agamben’s thought. A critique of the current global order of neoliberalism is the main purpose of this analysis, focused on very different reflections, which share the necessity to avoid theories separate from history.


General Intellect, Biopolitics, Political Theology, Economical Theology, Debt.

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