N.2/2019 Pratiche di immanenza
Deleuze e la prova dell’immanenza. Note su un confronto con Hegel e Heidegger
Francesco Lesce
(Università della Calabria)
Published in December, 2019
Immanence as a Test. Remarks on Deleuze’s Criticism to Hegel and Heidegger

The notion of immanence is one of the key words of Deleuze’s philosophy. Nonetheless, Deleuze himself points out the importance to consider the immanence as a “plan” instead of a simple concept. The aim of my essay is to argue that the plan of immanence is a crucial test to verify both the legitimacy of a Logic of the Ground and the effectiveness of its founding action. Deleuze’s critique to the Logic of the Ground (Platon) gives birth to a different way of conceiving the origin of philosophy and its historical development. On that issue, Deleuze’s strategy is that to reassess Nietzsche’s “geophilosophy” in the interplay versus Hegel’s history of philosophy, on the one hand, and Heidegger’s “Seinsgeschichte”, on the other. Deleuze’s philosophy has first to be considered as practice of immanence with the aim to deconstruct the history of philosophy demystifying both the cult of Origin and the myth of the End.
Deleuze, Immanence, History of philosophy, Hegel, Heidegger