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N.2/2019 Pratiche di immanenza

Dire “amen”: un gesto verbale

Stefano Oliva

(Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo - Roma)

Published in December, 2019

Saying ‘Amen’: A Verbal Gesture

copertina GCSI ritagliata 2_2019.jpg


The verbal gesture here examinated, the amen, can be assumed as a paradigm of the gesture in general: with a word it lays down the language (saying nothing more than the text that precedes it) and concludes the enunciation, producing a particular expressive modulation. In this it presents a close formal connection with the Mystical in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, which is not proposed as a feeling related to one of the facts of the world, but as an emotional tone related to the overall view of the world sub specie aeterni.


Mystical, amen, gesture, Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

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