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N.2/2021 Filosofia e generi letterari nel XVIII secolo

Ragione naturale e dimensione trinitaria in Severino Boezio, con un’annotazione su Tommaso d’Aquino

Vincenzo Ceci

Published in December, 2021


Natural Reason and the Trinitarian Dimension of God in Severinus Boethius, with a note on Thomas Aquinas.

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Having acquired the Aristotelian lesson that identified metaphysics as the apex of the sciences, Boethius sensed the need to elevate the Trinitarian dogma to such epistemological condition. Therefore, he elaborates dialectically – meaning with exclusively philosophical tools of neo-Platonic origin – the Trinitarian faith professed by Catholics, in an attempt to give it logical transparency and realize its rational demonstration. Indeed, De Trinitate qualifies as a pamphlet of philosophical/natural theology. Thomas will comment on its first two chapters, probably with the main purpose of moderating its rationalism and, after formalizing the epistemological profile of dogmatic theology, he assigns to the latter the study and deepening of Trinitarian questions in order to take them permanently away from philosophy.


Trinitarian dogma, medieval philosophy, christian neoplatonism, augustinian heritage, intelligence of faith, natural theology.



G.C.S.I. - Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee
Rivista internazionale di filosofia

Direzione Editoriale:
Andrea Tagliapietra e Sebastiano Ghisu

Direttore Responsabile:
Giovanni Campus

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Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Sassari n.455 del 14/7/2008 - ISSN 2035-732X  ISSN(cartaceo) 2240-7995


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