N.2/2021 Filosofia e generi letterari nel XVIII secolo
Opera, immagine, reale
Riflessioni su Nova Theoretica. Manifesto per una nuova filosofia
Federica Porcheddu
Published in December, 2021
Artwork, Image, Real and Process. Reflections on Nova Theoretica. Manifesto for a New Philosophy.

The article aims to retrace some moments of the book Nova Theoretica. Manifesto per una nuova filosofia published last June by Castelvecchi. In particular, it will be a dialogue with some of the authors of the volume in which the rigorous questioning of reality intercepts and promotes an original approach to some issues of the Western philosophical tradition (subject-object-real relation) that unfolds according to different approaches and themes but with identity of intent. Following this dialogue we will see how the stakes consist in re-inventing worn-out philosophical categories and concepts and in prospecting a new direction for philosophy and its destiny by rehabilitating its practical and theoretical exercise. Specifically, we will see how the fundamental conceptual core is linked to a double movement that binds together a sort of reductionism of the sovereignty of the subject in the interpretation of reality and, consequently, a reduction of reality and process to a datum independent from the revelation of a transcendental subject that would be the ultimate foundation of the reality. The aim is to show the topicality, the originality and the urgency of the themes treated for a new philosophy that wants to inaugurate a new beginning.
Art, Image, Datum, Real, Process.