N.2/2022 L’uomo nell’era digitale: coscienza, pensiero critico e spazio politico all’epoca di internet e dell’intelligenza artificiale
Dall’obiettivismo moderno all’ontologia digitale
Genealogia e critica della governamentalità algoritmica
Giuseppe De Ruvo
Published in December, 2022
From modern objectivism to digital ontology: genealogy and critique of
algorithmic governmentality.
The following article thematises three closely related issues. To begin, the article attempts to show how the processes of digitalisation must be understood in continuity with the processes of mathematisation described by
Husserl in the Krisis, since what is nowadays known as “digital ontology” seems
to be a revival of what Husserl called “modern objectivism”. Secondly, the article intends to criticise digital ontology from the inside, showing how it actually
contradicts information theory. This critique will allow us to show the theoreti-
cal differences between digital ontology and big data analytics, thus opening up
the possibility of analysing algorithmic governmentality without reducing it to a
mere consequence of the recent technological developments. Indeed, the third
goal of this article is to show how algorithmic governmentality arises from the
fact that subjects increasingly tend to assume an attitude of bad faith in order
to reduce the complexity of their life. In conclusion, the article argues that it is
impossible to think a philosophy of praxis for the digital world without acknowledging the human origin of algorithmic governmentality.
Algorthmic governmentality, Husserl, Bad faith, Digital ontology,